Dee St Houses


Re-cladding of three existing leaky building houses by:

a)Installation of full scaffold tents covering the buildings to enable work to be undertaken in any weather

b) Removal and replacement of existing roof with new coloursteel creating and forming eaves to all roofs.

c) Removal and replacement of damaged wall framing then install replacement and additional insulation.

d) Removal and replacement of exterior cladding forming new cavity and new cladding in mix of colursteel and Nu-wall aluminium siding

e) Removal and replacement of existing aluminium joinery with new double glazed units

f) Carrying out some additional extensions to some of the units.

g) Repaint interior of units and lay new carpets 

These houses were done in conjucntion with the MBIE government controllers, architect and ourselves; working with quality controls and good design to give the clients back a house that they can be confident will not leak or give them issues in the future. 
